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27 August 2021
#Mobile advertising

Which ad format for mobile apps should you choose?

Advertising in mobile applications helps increase brand awareness, reach the target audience and attract interested users to the site. We fulfil these goals with the help of mobile advertising campaigns. We have 5 ad formats among our options. Let’s analyse each of them!

1. Banner network (FullScreen + banners)

Average CTR: 0.8%

Banner advertising is one of the “oldest” and time-tested advertising formats. It should be chosen when the advertiser’s goal is the most significant reach and, as a result, the low cost of contact with the user. The complex of banners includes 6 banner formats and 6 FullScreen banners. This number allows you to reach a large audience.

2. Fullscreen banners

Average CTR: 1.5%

Fullscreen banner format, which should be highlighted separately, is often used in advertising campaigns without other formats. Fullscreen banners occupy the entire screen of a mobile device and are therefore 100% viewability. At the same time, they have a reasonably low cost and high CTR. As part of working with an advertising campaign with full-screen banners, we can work with several payment models. With CPM, the volume of impressions is guaranteed, and the number of clicks is predicted. Or with CPC, clicks are guaranteed, and impressions are predicted.

5 ad formats for mobile apps

  1. Banner network. CTR: 0.8%. The complex of banners includes 6 banner formats and 6 FullScreen banners. This number allows you to reach a large audience.
  2. Fullscreen banners. CTR: 1.5%. The Fullscreen banners occupy the entire screen of a mobile device and are therefore 100% viewability. At the same time, they have a reasonably low cost and high CTR.
  3. Native banners. Average CTR: 1.7%. Native banners are less intrusive. In our experience, this banner format is best used in additional flights of an advertising campaign when you need to make a delicate reminder of the brand to the target audience.
  4. Rich Media. Average CTR: 2%. Rich Media Banner is a premium ad format that allows you to demonstrate all the advantages in an accessible format, interest the user in the mechanics of gamification, show several products at once in one ad placement.
  5. Video. Average CTR: 4%. We launch advertising videos in out-stream format. The video helps to convey the advertising message visually, saturate it with emotions, add musical accompaniment.

Read the full version of the article with examples of ad formats here

. At the same time, they have a reasonably low cost and high CTR. As part of working with an advertising campaign with full-screen banners, we can work with several payment models. With CPM, the volume of impressions is guaranteed, and the number of clicks is predicted. Or with CPC, clicks are guaranteed, and impressions are predicted.

There are many examples of using Fullscreen banners in the set of advertising campaigns implemented by our team.

For example, during an advertising campaign for client Avene, we promoted a cosmetic product, an anti-acne wash gel. We attracted a target audience of relevant interests by showing a full-screen banner.

3. Native banners

Average CTR: 1.7%

Native banners are less intrusive, and it is believed that users who are familiar with ads are more loyal to them. But, in our experience, this banner format is best used in additional flights of an advertising campaign when you need to make a delicate reminder of the brand to the target audience. It is a gentle approach to the task of increasing awareness. The characteristic of native banners within our platform is that only the button can be clickable. But you can generate additional elements such as description, rating (relevant for products) and logo. Well, and modifying the button itself.

As part of a large-scale advertising campaign for a client named Dr Korner, we used the native banner format in concert with Rich Media. Nativeness consisted of choosing a site for placement: the fitness theme correlates with the brand’s message about the product’s usefulness.

4. Rich Media

Average CTR: 2%

Rich Media Interactive Animated Banner is a premium ad format that allows you to create “excitement” around a brand or product; demonstrate all the advantages in an accessible format, interest the user in the mechanics of gamification, show several products at once in one ad placement and do it conveniently and discreetly for the user.

For example, in the advertising campaign to promote the Redmond grill brand in the Rich Media banner, we included the possibility of an interactive “test” of the product by preparing three dishes of your choice.

And as part of an advertising campaign to promote energy drinks, the brand Tornado invited the user to play a mobile game.

To promote cosmetic products of the Korean brand Hada Labo, we also used Rich Media and placed three products in one creative with the ability to go to the product card in the Wildberries store.

5. Video

Average CTR: 4%

Video advertising is a format that is gaining tremendous popularity. For example, according to the latest PwC report, the mobile video advertising segment grew by 0.85% globally, while 2020 ended with an overall market decline due to COVID-19. And according to YouTube’s available statistics, more than 70% of the watch time is on mobile devices.

We launch advertising videos in out-stream format. It means, to place an advertisement, the publisher’s site does not have to have an integrated video player. The video helps to convey the advertising message visually, saturate it with emotions, add musical accompaniment. Also, mobile applications can launch excellent, engaging video formats, for example, rewarded ones. Video for a reward, for viewing which the user receives some kind of bonus in the application. Which makes him more loyal and increases ad searches.

For example, as part of the promotion of the Nintendo game console, video visits (100%) exceeded 564,000.

All formats function to increase your brand or product awareness, but some will become more budget-friendly (banners), others more engaging and, accordingly, expensive (Rich Media, videos). If you have any questions, please write to us at! We will recommend the optimal ad format depending on your conditions.

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