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23 January 2024

Programmatic Market in Argentina: Top Reasons to Try Mobile Advertising in 2024

The programmatic market in Argentina is increasingly capturing the attention of advertisers worldwide. It’s no surprise, considering that each year sees a rise in the number of mobile users, and mobile apps become an integral part of every Argentine’s life.

In this article, we’ll present key facts about the programmatic market in Argentina and discuss why advertisers should explore mobile advertising opportunities in 2024.

Ad spending in the Digital Advertising market is projected to reach US$1,591.0m in 2024

In 2024, digital advertising expenditures in Argentina are set to significantly increase, and this comes as no surprise. According to DataReportal, at the beginning of 2023, the country had 39.79 million internet users, with a high internet penetration rate of 87.2 percent.

The state of digital in Argentina in 2023

With the growing number of internet users and a high internet penetration rate in Argentina, the rise in digital advertising spending in 2024 presents promising opportunities for effective advertising campaigns.

Ad spending in the In-App Advertising market is projected to reach US$634.9m in 2024

In 2024, expect a significant rise in mobile advertising spending in Argentina. This shift makes sense considering that 70% of internet traffic comes from mobile devices, surpassing desktop usage at 37.30%.

What’s even more compelling is that Argentine users spend an average of 3 hours and 51 minutes on their smartphones daily, marking a 15-minute increase from the previous year.

All these indicators highlight the dominance of the mobile sector. For advertisers yet to explore this avenue, now is the opportune moment to shift focus and tap into the potential of mobile advertising.

Ad spending is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2024-2028) of 10.57%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$948.9m by 2028

This percentage growth indicates a significant increase in interest in digital advertising in the country. The programmatic market in Argentina, in particular, can leverage this growth due to its efficiency and the ability to precisely target audiences.

The programmatic market in Argentina

By the way, if you’re in search of a reliable programmatic platform, consider BYYD. With over 8 years of experience, we’ve been helping brands expand their audience and capture attention. Our results speak for themselves.

Explore our promotion examples and reach out to us via email

The average ad spending per internet user in the In-App Advertising market is projected to amount to US$16.2 in 2024

A similar level of advertising expenditure per Argentine user presents an excellent opportunity for advertisers. In comparison to other countries, such as Belgium (US$41.0) and France (US$62.9), advertising costs in Argentina are more affordable. This difference may be attributed to variations in economic conditions and consumer purchasing behavior.

The relatively low advertising expenses in Argentina make the country an attractive market for advertisers aiming for cost-effective campaigns.

Economic efficiency, coupled with a substantial audience, creates prospects for successful product and service promotion.

average ad spending per internet user in Argentina

In the Digital Advertising market, 75% of total ad spending will be generated through mobile in 2028

This trend signifies a shift in advertisers’ focus towards mobile platforms in 2028, reflecting the overall tendency of increased mobile device usage in Argentina.

75% of total ad spending will be generated through mobile in 2028

Data from DataReportal indicates a high percentage of mobile device ownership in the country, reaching 94.5%. This underscores the growing impact of mobile technologies on daily life and supports advertisers’ strategic decision to invest in mobile advertising campaigns.

devices used to access the internet

In the Digital Advertising market, 79% of the Digital Advertising revenue will be generated through programmatic advertising in 2028

Programmatic advertising is a method of purchasing online ads that is projected to dominate the digital marketing landscape by 2028. To stay ahead and leverage favorable market conditions for reaching your audience, it’s time to take action.

79% of the Digital Advertising will be generated through programmatic

As evident, the mobile segment is particularly popular in the digital market. Therefore, we recommend exploring mobile programmatic advertising specifically.

Learn about targeting, in-game advertising, and various types of applications from our blog.

case studies, Programmatic Market in Argentina

You can also check out examples of our successful promotions. It’s worth noting that our Production team creates banners and landing pages for free in addition to our promotion services.

Register on our platform and embark on your path to success in the programmatic market in Argentina.

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