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1 July 2024
#Mobile advertising

Why Brands Choose Multimedia In-App Advertising Formats

We are exposed to a vast amount of visual information daily, but we only remember what has an emotional impact on us. Research shows that color, graphics, and advertising content play a key role in this process.

Multimedia advertising formats use these tools by combining text, images, video, audio, and animation. They are particularly effective on mobile devices, where users spend most of their time.

These formats have become widely popular due to:

  • The integration of interactivity, which allows users to engage with the advertising content;
  • The improvement of methods for measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns;
  • The combination of various content formats to create a deeper impact on the audience.

Let’s examine all 3 aspects in more detail.

High Interactivity

Multimedia advertising stands out for its high interactivity, which is one of its significant advantages. Various content formats, such as quizzes, games, and surveys, encourage active user engagement with the advertising message.

A particularly popular form of interactivity is gamification. It allows users not only to consume information but also to engage in the process, interact with the content, and make decisions.

Over the past year, the gamification market has grown from $14.87 billion to $18.63 billion, and it is expected to reach $30.7 billion by 2025.

gamification market by region 2018-2025

Furthermore, research shows that using gamification significantly increases the productivity of 90% of users and improves information retention by three times.

How BYYD Uses Interactivity in Its Work

In practice, interactive elements, including gamification, have already proven their effectiveness. The application of Rich Media creatives with gamification elements significantly enhances the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

On our platform, we frequently use such mechanics. For example, in collaboration with the Tornado Energy brand, we developed a two-part campaign: a reach campaign and a receipt promotion. Each had its own Rich Media banner developed.

  • Reach Campaign

For the reach campaign, our production department created a Rich Media ad with a game mechanic, where users could play a level of a game resembling a platformer. In the game, they overcame obstacles, collecting cans of drinks as bonuses, and then moved to the landing page.

Tornado Energy Reach Campaign
  • Receipt Promotion

In this part of the campaign, users were shown a Riche Media banner describing the promotion. They could learn about the conditions, find out more about the prizes, and follow a link to a special landing page.

Variety of Methods for Measuring Effectiveness

Modern multimedia advertising involves not only creating creative content but also actively tracking its effectiveness. This plays a key role, providing marketers with numerous opportunities to analyze user behavior, optimize campaigns, and collect data.

The main metrics of effectiveness include:

  • CTR (Click-Through Rate) — the percentage of users who clicked on the ad and followed the link, measuring the clickability of the advertisement.
  • CR (Conversion Rate) — the percentage of users who completed a target action after interacting with the ad, such as purchasing a product or registering.
Variety of Methods for Measuring Effectiveness

To better understand how advertising affects the brand and consumer behavior, the Brand Lift methodology is used.

It includes two key stages:

  1. Measuring brand awareness before the start of the advertising campaign: A survey is conducted to assess how familiar users are with the brand before they see the ad.
  2. Determining changes after interaction with the ad: After interacting with the ad, a follow-up survey is conducted to measure how perceptions and attitudes towards the brand have changed.

Example of a Brand Lift Study

For illustration, let’s consider a Brand Lift case study using the Tornado Energy brand. The Brand Lift study included three stages: at the beginning, middle, and end of the project.

At each stage, relevant audiences as well as users who were shown the advertising creative during the main campaign were surveyed. Both groups of respondents were asked the same question: “Are you familiar with the brand?

The study results showed a significant increase in brand awareness after each stage of the campaign:

  • Stage 1: 67%
  • Stage 2: 71%
  • Stage 3: 79%

Overall, after the media campaign in mobile applications, Tornado’s brand awareness increased by 36%.

Tornado Energy brand lift research

Ability to Combine Formats

Multimedia advertising formats provide the ability to combine various types of content, enriching the user experience and increasing the appeal of advertising campaigns.

On our platform, we actively use the Video Interaction format, which combines Rich Media and Fullscreen with company videos. This format allows users not only to view the content but also to interact with the brand, making the experience more interactive and memorable.

How is interactive video advertising broadcasted?

  • The user opens a mobile application.
  • A video advertisement of the brand appears.
  • After watching the video, the user sees a Rich Media banner or a Fullscreen banner, with which they can interact.

Interactive video advertising offers unique ways to track promotional effectiveness. Since it combines video format with an interactive banner, statistics are provided for both advertising methods. This allows for a detailed examination and evaluation of each type of promotion.

On the BYYD platform, the Video Interaction format allows tracking of:

  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • CTR
  • VTR
  • Number of interactions
Video Interaction format


Multimedia in-app advertising formats are a powerful tool for audience engagement and brand connection. Their high interactivity, variety of metrics, and ability to create new formats make them an effective means of communication and brand image formation.

Multimedia In-App Advertising Formats

If you are ready to launch your mobile advertising campaign, we recommend using the programmatic platform BYYD. Our expertise is confirmed by thousands of successful campaigns.

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