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20 February 2024
#Mobile advertising

Trends in US Advertising: Insights from “Digital 2024 Global Overview Report”

The programmatic advertising market in the USA stands out as one of the most successful digital markets globally. It attracts advertising budgets, effectively promotes products and services, and offers increasing opportunities for both publishers and advertisers every year.

In this article, we’ll delve into the data from the Digital 2024 Global Overview Report and Statista concerning the digital market in the USA, with a primary focus on the mobile advertising segment.

  • Digital advertising spending in the U.S.

Digital advertising in the United States is considered one of the most progressive in the global market.

According to Statista experts’ forecasts, by 2024, expenditures on digital advertising in the US will reach $298.4 billion. This makes it the largest spending on advertising globally, emphasizing the significance of this segment in the media market.

Additionally, insights from the recent Digital 2024 Global Overview Report indicate that 72% of America’s advertising budget is allocated specifically to digital advertising.

Digital advertising spending in the US
  • How much time do Americans spend on the Internet?

Based on the Digital 2024 Global Overview Report, the average American currently spends 7 hours and 3 minutes online per day.

According to the same data, the share of mobile web traffic in the US is 41.1%. Through mobile devices, users spend 3 hours and 39 minutes online, while on desktops they spend only 3 hours and 24 minutes.

In addition, it is worth noting that, according to the study, mobile devices generate 51.8% of all Internet traffic, while desktops account for 48.2%.

daily spent using mobile phones in us
  • Outlook for Mobile Advertising in the USA

The prospects for mobile advertising in the USA are promising.

According to Data Reportal, by the end of 2023, mobile devices accounted for 66.2% of total revenue from digital advertising. In contrast, expenditures on desktop computers accounted for only 33.8%.

Statista’s forecasts for 2028 also confirm a stable trend towards mobile advertising. It is expected that by that time, the share of spending on mobile digital advertising will increase to 73%.

  • Expenditures on programmatic advertising in the US

By the end of 2023, the global programmatic advertising market showed robust growth. According to the Digital 2024 Global Overview Report, investments in this sector increased by 10.7%, reaching $580.0 billion.

The share of programmatic advertising in the total volume of digital advertising amounted to 80.7%.

programmatic advertising overview in the US

In the USA, the penetration of programmatic advertising is significantly notable. According to the latest data from the Digital 2024 Global Overview Report, as of January 2024, it accounted for 81.9% of the total digital advertising expenditure.

This underscores the growing influence of programmatic advertising on the digital market in America, corroborating forecasts by Insider.

share of digital US advertising

If you’re considering diving into programmatic advertising, here’s why you should choose us. With over 9 years of experience, our BYYD platform is the go-to choice for brands looking to place ads in mobile apps.

We’ve worked with industry giants such as Pepsi, Mars, Geely, Burger King, Dyson, and many more. Explore our case studies and sign up on our website for further details.

digital advertising US
  • Mobile app advertising spending in the US

The Digital 2024 Global Overview Report confirms the growing popularity of in-app advertising worldwide. Annual spending on in-app advertising reached $314.5 billion, accounting for 43.7% of total digital advertising expenditure.

In the USA, it is expected that by 2024, spending on advertising in mobile apps will reach $131 billion, with an annual growth rate of 10.10%.

in-app advertising overview 2024
  • What categories of apps are most popular for in-app advertising in the United States?

According to recent studies, in the United States, the most sought-after categories for in-app advertising remain video games. They are followed by social platforms, shopping sections, and entertainment.

Moreover, our platform provides the opportunity to place advertisements in various types of applications. For more detailed information on available options, please refer to our presentation.

ad spending US
  • Pros of banner advertising in the US

Banner advertising continues to be a significant part of the advertising market in the United States. It is projected that by 2024, its volume will reach $67.1 billion.

Out of this sum, it is expected that by 2028, $63.8 billion will be spent on mobile banner advertising. This underscores the growing influence of mobile devices on advertising strategies and expenditures.

banner advertising in the US

Check out examples of mobile banner ads on our website.


  • By 2024, digital advertising spending in the USA is projected to reach $298.4 billion, confirming the country’s leading position in the global media market.
  • Programmatic advertising continues to gain momentum in the USA. According to the Digital 2024 Global Overview Report, as of January 2024, it already accounted for 81.9% of the total digital advertising expenditure.
  • According to the Digital 2024 Global Overview Report, the average American spends 7 hours and 3 minutes online per day. Out of this time, 3 hours and 39 minutes are spent using mobile devices.

Overall, these data confirm the importance of mobile programmatic advertising in the USA. Effective utilization of such advertising helps companies achieve their goals and attract engaged audiences.

Interested in experiencing programmatic advertising in action? Feel free to reach out to us, and we’ll help you succeed.

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