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Movie Case

The segment of air-travel related with the category of services the promotion of which is carried out with the help of personified communication with the user. We can achieve it with the help of mobile devices, which appear the part of personal space of potential clients during travelling. They provide capture of users’ attention and consideration of your advertisement.

Mobile Advertising platform BYYD provides a wide range of tools to promote air-services on mobile devices. We can implement socio-demographic targeting on age and sex and, moreover, interests of potential users are taken into consideration. According on the target audience, various interactive banners will be showed on smartphones and tablets which guarantee the additional implication of the audience.

Geo-location allows us covering people located in airports as well as showing advertisement to the audience of our competitor.

By means of our banners users can directly navigate the website of air carrier and purchase tickets, which substantially reduces the time user spent on target action and increases the success of advertising campaign.

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Dominican Republic
Rich media, Video
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